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Some Common Sense Rules of Etiquette

by Susan M. Totman, MVA

NOTE: This article is an old one, but may be more important than ever in these turbulent times. Working virtually adds a whole new dimension to the phrase “cultural differences”. It immediately becomes apparent how different people around the world work, live and network.  (Published in TC World, July/August 2007 Issue, magazine for international information management) - Click HERE to download and read pdf version

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Do you rush around doing things at the last minute? How many times have mentioned something that you felt you ought to do and said yes, I'll get round to it - but it; never happens. Procrastination means to defer action, but it rarely serves you well, unless you know what's behind it and what to do about it.

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Do you love what you do but hate the thought of having to "sell" your services?

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Meeting the Challenge of Remaining Positive

As entrepreneurs, it’s easy to get discouraged. The tricky thing about being positive is that it’s an attitude, not a feeling. It’s a state of mind that is self-induced. How often do you hand that control over to someone -- or something -- else? The truth is, you can allow yourself to let these external factors control you, usually causing a negative attitude, or you can CHOOSE to achieve and sustain a positive outlook. Here are 3 ways I’ve learned to keep a positive attitude.